Support for the elderly, disabled and post-retirement

We recommend visiting massage and acupuncture in support of the elderly, disabled, and others in need of rehabilitation.

Special needs

1) Elderly people (those who have joint pain but not enough to go to the hospital)

2) Those who live alone (We will also contact your family or doctor in case of emergency, so you can receive the service with peace of mind. 

3) Disabled persons, disabled children, and persons with residual injuries from traffic accidents. 

4) Those who are rehabilitating after various types of surgeries, regardless of age. 

5) Those who are tired of all the rehabilitation.

Reasons why it is necessary (why massage is recommended)

Muscles are found throughout the body from birth to death. They are absolutely necessary for humans to move our joints!
How does it work?
The joints that connect bones to bones cannot be moved without functioning muscles.
For humans to move their bodies, in other words, to live, the muscles that move must function.
Visiting massage is performed by a nationally licensed massage therapist.
The massage therapist directly touches and checks the condition of the muscles, softens the stiffened muscles, reduces the burden on the muscles during joint movement, and prevents joint contracture. (Functional training, etc.)
It softens and regains moving muscles, and for the elderly, it reduces the burden on the body when performing rehabilitation and exercises, thereby increasing the effectiveness of rehabilitation.  

(Reasons why the elderly receive)

1) Muscles become stiff.
If the muscles remain stiff, the joints cannot move.
→become joint contractures.
2) As it is, you don’t move a muscle.
Muscle weakness ・ Cause of muscle atrophy

They become unable to walk or eat by themselves.
There are also muscles around the face, of course. It can cause aspiration and difficulty in swallowing. (Swallowing also requires muscles.)    

③ Tightened muscles may irritate nerves.
What does that mean?
It may be the cause of numbness or paralysis.

In some cases, massage of stiffened muscles has relaxed the muscles, improved pressure on nerves, and improved numbness and paralysis.


If you are interested in visiting massage and acupuncture, we can provide referrals to local massage providers in any area of the country.
If you are concerned about your parents at home, please contact us. (Health insurance will apply)
You can check your body with a free trial.